Movie amadeus
Movie amadeus

Amadeus 1984 urtean Miloš Formanek zuzendutako film dramatiko biografikoa da, Peter Shafferren izen bereko antzezlanean oinarritua.Li estis inspirita de "Mozart kaj Salieri", mallonga dramo fare de Aleksandr Puŝkin, poste adaptita al opero de la sama nomo de Nikolaj Rimskij-Korsakov, kiu estis libere bazita de la vivoj de Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart kaj Antonio Salieri. Amadeus estis bazita sur la teatra dramo de la sama nomo fare de. Ĝi pritraktas la naturon de genio kontraŭ mezkvaliteco kaj la rilaton inter Dio kaj homo. Ĝi gajnis ok Akademiajn Premiojn en 1985. Amadeus estas filmo publikigita en la jaro 1984, direktita de Miloš Forman.In 2019, the film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant". In 1998, the American Film Institute ranked it 53rd on its 100 Years. As of 2021, it is the most recent film to have more than one nomination in the Academy Award for Best Actor category.

movie amadeus

Upon release, the film received widespread acclaim and was a box office hit, grossing over $90 million.Considered one of the greatest films of all time, Amadeus was nominated for 53 awards and received 40, including eight Academy Awards (including the Academy Award for Best Picture), four BAFTA Awards, four Golden Globe Awards, and a Directors Guild of America award. The film stars Murray Abraham as Salieri (who received the Academy Award for Best Actor for his performance) and Tom Hulce as Mozart (who was also nominated for the same award as Abraham).Amadeus was released by Orion Pictures on September 19, 1984, thirteen days following its world premiere in Los Angeles on September 6, 1984. The film follows a fictional rivalry between Mozart and Italian composer Antonio Salieri at the court of Emperor Joseph II. Mozart's music is heard extensively in the soundtrack of the film. The story is set in Vienna, Austria, during the latter half of the 18th century, and is a fictionalized story of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart from the time he left Salzburg, described by its writer as "fantasia on the theme of Mozart and Salieri".

movie amadeus

  • Amadeus is a 1984 American period biographical drama film directed by Miloš Forman and adapted by Peter Shaffer from his 1979 stage play Amadeus.
  • Der Film basiert auf dem erstmals 1979 aufgeführten Theaterstück Amadeus von Peter Shaffer, der auch das Drehbuch zum Film schrieb.
  • Amadeus ist ein Filmdrama des Regisseurs Miloš Forman aus dem Jahr 1984, das das Leben Wolfgang Amadeus Mozarts (1756–1791) aus der Sicht des Wiener Hofkomponisten Antonio Salieri (1750–1825) zum Thema hat.
  • movie amadeus

    Jeho natáčení částečně probíhalo i v tehdejším komunistickém Československu. Amadeus je americký film režiséra Miloše Formana, který obdržel osm Oscarů, 13 nominací na Oscara a dalších 32 ocenění včetně čtyř Zlatých globů.Amadeus és un film de 1984 dirigit per Miloš Forman, basat en el guió escrit per Peter Shaffer, i basat aquest en la seva pròpia obra de teatre homònima, que al seu torn s'inspirà en Mozart i Salieri, una obra curta d'Aleksandr Puixkin (també adaptada en una òpera homònima per Nikolai Rimski-Kórsakov), que es basava en una versió molt lliure de les vides dels compositors Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart i Antonio Salieri.

    Movie amadeus